Create Folder On Share Point by using Power Automate In Dynamics CRM


1-Flow trigger When contact is created

2-Declare two variables one for storing SharePoint site URL and the other one is for the Sotring Entity name.

3-Use SharePoint Connector and take create a new folder action. In the Site address and Library pass the variables and in the folder, the path gives the folder name, whatever you give the path will create a folder accordingly. (here I have given FULL NAME_GUID ) In replace expression I have replaced Guid '-' with ' '.(replace(toUpper(triggerOutputs()?['body/contactid']),'-',''))

4-After Creating the folder we need to retrieve the parent site document location for the contact for creating a new document location.

5-creating new document this, we provide the site name whatever you want and In the Relative URL pass the folder path the same as we have given for folder creation action in step no 3. In regarding(contacts) pass contact GUID and Parent Site or Location (Document Locations) pass Parend site GUID from Step no 4.

Thats it!


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